Remote Reiki Treatment
Remote Reiki treatment does not depend on time, place and space and therefore, Reiki can be sent remotely, without a physical meeting, to anyone anywhere in the country and the world.
Skeptical about Remote Reiki?
Does it sound delusional?
I can understand why.
On the other hand, not many years ago no one could have believed that we could have video calls from anywhere in the world via a cell phone?
- this idea was considered "science fiction".
Most of us have grown up on the cradle of Western culture and Western medicine and today (as long as we are not proven as a scientific fact) it is difficult for us to understand how a person in a remote place, sometimes in another city or country, can experience healing from a therapist who is far away.
On the other hand, as strange as it sounds strange, illogical and disproportionate, in the test of actual outcome, remote reiki therapy works - and big time!
I have to admit that my preferred form of treatment is one-on-one treatment with the hand placed close to the patient, Reiki energy always works better in conjunction with the power of the touch, the result is perfect.
However, real contact is not always possible and we will still want to transfer Reiki to the patient, for example -
During illness when the patient is confined to his bed;
For relieving fears, anxiety and mental stress;
When the patient is in need of immediate treatment and cannot reach the clinic;
When the patient is interested in treatment just before bedtime;
Minutes before the start of a test, job interview, important appointment, or any other situation in which the patient feels stress;
Before or after medical treatment, medical procedure, surgery;
Before or after a woman gives birth;
In these situations and the likes, the option of distant Reiki therapy is a great option that does a wonderful job.
Remote treatment is very effective and recommended.
What is needed for remote treatment?
The patient must agree to treatment, give his or her name and mother's name and be at a quiet place for about half an hour .
For best results the patient should be in a state of rest during treatment, sitting or lying down, and surrender himself to treatment.