About Reiki
The Reiki treatment method is a method of energy therapy which is complementary to conventional medicine, where the therapist is a channel for transmitting "life energy" (the cosmic energy from which all things in the universe are made of, that surrounds us and flows in our bodies) is passed on to the patient.
In the natural state the "life energy" is supposed to be balanced and it should flow freely in the body, in such a way that every organ and area of the body receives all the time, new energy in the amount it needs, and at the same time the "used" energy gives way and replaces it with the new one.

When we suffer from a condition known as "energetic blockage" (which can result from injuries, fears, traumas, etc.), there is no proper flow of energy, which can, on the one hand, create a lack of energy in a certain organ or body, and excess energy in other body organs or ares.
When the "life energy" in the body is unbalanced (lack / excess) this will be reflected in all aspects of life. The imbalance has the potential to create an illness at the physical or mental level and can cause behavioral change.
On a spiritual level, imbalance can cause an obstacle in understanding the "self," meaning of life and truth.
The Reiki therapist directs the flow of life energy from the universe to the patient, with the goal of releasing the energetic blockages in the patient's body, thus driving the jammed energy and restoring the necessary balance and harmony to the body.
Through the Reiki treatment, the energy is balanced in the patient's body on four levels -
In the physical body; On the emotional level; On the mental level; And the spiritual sphere;
With the removal of the energy blockage, the life energy can flow autonomously in the body, immediately resulting in a sense of calm, tranquility and relief.

Reiki treatment, awakens the body's inherent natural healing ability, speeds up the natural healing process, and as such is suitable for anyone (even if they do not believe in Reiki) in any condition and in any patient, and is excellent, among other things for -
Assistance in recovery from surgery, fractures, bruising and etc.
Strengthening the immune system (even as preventative therapy)
Pain relief, including chronic pain, headaches and migraines
Sleep enhancement (sleep difficulties /quality of sleep)
Helps release fears and anxieties
Helps relieve stress, improves attention and concentration (recommended before tests & interviews)
help to Fertility challenges
Assist in relief from suffering caused by chronic and autoimmune diseases
It is important to note that Reiki can do no harm.
It is also important to note that Reiki can be used not only in conditions of illness and distress but also as a simple and readily available tool for daily maintenance of the body and mind, and to improving the quality of life.