About me
My name is Liat Kimchi,
Im a certified Reiki Master Therapist as well as Certified Access Bars Therapist.
I have been practicing Reiki since 2003.
I came to Reiki by chance, or maybe it wasn't by chance..
17 years ago I responded to my mother's plea to join her and we both signed up for the Reiki course.
As a rational person, the connection to Reiki was not instantaneous, as I was looking for a proof of its effectiveness, "one must see with one's eyes that Reiki is 'working'."
The first proof was not late to come.
Even before the course ended, one evening, I was playing with my daughters who were small at the time, and among other things we were engaged in the work.
Noam, my daughter, 6-years-old at that time, cut herself with scissors and her blood began to flow.
At the sight of the blood, Noam began to scream hysterically and her sisters joined the choir.
And me ??
In the initial instinct I picked up Noam and started running towards the bathroom to wash her hand, but then I stopped and decided to treat the injury with Reiki.
I kept calm, telling my self to ignore all the hysterical crying sounds, in the background.
I kept my hands over the bleeding finger.
Then came the proof I was waiting for !! The blood flow from the injured finger diminished until the blood formed into a single drop and stopped. With it, the screams also stopped, and their faces changed to astonishment.
I looked at Noam and she looked back at me shocked.
Since then I collected many more "proofs"
I learned and professionalized , to become certified Reiki Master as well as added various more techniques of healing to my "toolbox".

About the clinic
I take care of myself through Reiki on a daily basis.
I also use Reiki to heal ant treat my immediate family at every opportunity.
Over the years I have expanded the treatments and I give them on a daily basis to my clients.
In 2019 I opened a pleasant clinic in Netanya and I personally invite you to experience the Reiki treatment and to enjoy balance and calm in the atmosphere and location created for this purpose.